About riyah
“Riyah is a great listener and highly intuitive. She always knows exactly what to ask to lead me down a path of growth. She is extremely accepting and inviting of all sides of me, which has helped me learn how to do the same for myself. I always feel safe being open and authentic with her. She has a gift with pacing the calls perfectly.” -Client Review
Founder of TranceForm movement practice and The Embodied Transformation Process
Professional Certified Coach (PCC) and Somatic Coach since 2015
Somatic Coach Certification Trainer since 2022
Certified Practitioner of Positive Psychology (CAPP)
10+ Year Transformational Dance Movement Practitioner
Certified Vision Quest Wilderness Guide (EBI)
Somatic Coach and Artist
I am a professional coach, (internal) wilderness guide, and artist. With over 12 years of experience supporting women one on one, in group workshops, and in the wild, I have dedicated my life to learning and sharing the art(s) of somatic reconnection so we can all live more fully alive. I believe that authentic expression leads to a more beautiful, vibrant, and sustainable world. When we know how to get our needs met and give to others, our communities thrive.
Some History
At 17, I asked the universe how to heal. I heard one word: “dance”, so I did. This started my movement journey, and eventually led me to discover dance therapy as a practice and career path, and I’ve been dancing ever since.
I’ve studied for 8+ years with Soma Source, a movement-based rites of passage organization, as well as trauma de-escalation training with Katie Asmus to further support body and mind together.
“Throughout each session, I'm encouraged to listen to my body to determine what work we should do and how we should proceed. This has helped to build trust in the coach-client relationship I have with Riyah. This in itself is also part of the healing and growing process, since I'm learning to listen to myself and honor my own voice and needs. Working with Riyah is not only full of mutual respect but also love, fun, and celebrations at each step of the journey!” -Client Review
if you’re interested
Schedule a free, no pressure experience call to connect and find out how we can help you thrive.
“At the beginning, working towards my goals was something I held at the superficial, without the awareness that there were deeper driving forces behind why I was living the life I had. I've since been able to do the work, with practice and coaching from Riyah, to peel back each of my own layers and find where this version of myself was all along. This has included recognizing and thanking myself for keeping me safe, learning about healthy anger, healing from trauma in a safe way at my own pace, and celebrating my true self coming out. I now look at self-work more with intrigue and excitement than with fear. The more work I do, the more I want to keep doing this work and celebrate each step of the way. It's an amazing journey where I get to truly step into who I am.” -Client Review